well yesterday was 100% setting me up for the shitshow of today! -.-
so again we started well, i think this is thanks to milkshake tv keeping her glued to the TV for the morning, but then once that finished it was like a bomb went off!
starts with giving her a bath (its hair day and she has a crazy afro) so im there trying to do all the sectioning, conditioning, finger combing to prevent her getting dreads anyday... and shes having none of it as usual, but today she then decides to start sliding down the bath whilst ive got my fingers caught up doing her hair! in the end it ended up pretty funny as her bum was bright red from sliding resembling a baboon and shes sliding about looking more like shes swinging as im still stuck trying to hold the hair haha!
then we had her accidently hit me in the eye with a book, i didnt shout it was a pure accident but my eye started watering lady muck walks out of the room and dares to say "im going getting a break while you do crying" i mean come on whats this attitude haha!
shes just been a handful today, all ive heard literally every second is "mum" "mummy" "crash" "bang"
after tea she starts walking about like a woman after valentines day! turns out she needed a poo... she stunk i thought she had done it, take the nappy off (yes we gave in today after wee on the sofa AGAIN) there was a tiny blob, she said help me looking in pain... safe to say i helped birth a poo today it was half out, i was pulling and telling her to push it was all very 'one born every minute' - i remember being absolutely gutted i didnt have my labour filmed as i really wanted to see it first hand, but i think i got the idea after that!
poor nanna has had to spend hours on facetime pretending to be animal emoji's "say rawr" "stick your tongue out" "be a bear" - i dont think shes actually seen my mums face any of the time and god forbid we try to have a conversation between us during these session and we get told off haha!
so anyway tonight i am once again drowning the day with some wine!
thanks to my lovely friend and neighbour for dropping us little treats each to cheer us up <3
thanks for reading... KLHx